Simulation¶ - combines simulated components into functional simulator¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017
See also
CUED Imports/Dependencies:
import usersimulator.UserModel
import usersimulator.ErrorSimulator
import ontology.Ontology
import ontology.OntologyUtils
import utils.Settings
import utils.DiaAct
import utils.ContextLogger
- class usersimulator.SimulatedUsersManager.DomainsSimulatedUser(domainString, error_rate)¶
User Simulator for a single domain. Comprised of a behaviour component:
to produce a semantic act and an error simulator to produce from the semantic act a list of semantic hypotheses.- Parameters
str – domain string
- act_on(sys_act_string)¶
Thru the UserModel member, receives the system action and then responds.
- Parameters
sys_act_string (unicode str) – system action
- Returns
(str) user action
- restart(otherDomainsConstraints)¶
Resets all components (User Model) that are statefull.
- Parameters
otherDomainsConstraints (list) – of domain goal tuples (slot=val)
- Returns
- class usersimulator.SimulatedUsersManager.SimulatedUsersManager(error_rate)¶
The multidomain simulated user, which is made up of a dictionary of simulated users indexed by domain. :param (list): of domain strings
- act_on(sys_act)¶
First produce a single semantic act from the simulated user. Then create from it a list of semantic hypotheses which include simulated errors.
- restart()¶
- Restarts/boots up the selected domains simulated user components. Shuts down those running and not needed for
the next dialog.
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
- sample_domains()¶
- Randomly select a set of domains from those available.
The selected domains will be used by the simulated user over a single dialog.
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
- set_allowed_codomains(ROOTDOMAIN)¶
Sets member (list) allowed_codomains given a root domain name (ie the domain of the first constraint) Uses the hardcoded rules in to do so. Also, based on determined allowed_codomains, sets the probability of each being included, independently.
- Parameters
ROOTDOMAIN (str) – domain tag
- Returns
None -¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017 - handcrafted SemI error creator¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017
See also
CUED Imports/Dependencies:
import utils.DiaAct
import ontology.Ontology
import utils.Settings
import utils.ContextLogger
- class usersimulator.ConfusionModel.EMConfusionModel¶
Base class for EMRandomConfusionModel.
Used through derived class only.
- create_wrong_hyp(a_u)¶
Create a wrong hypothesis for a_u
- Parameters
a_u (instance) – of
- Returns
(instance) of
- modified input act
- class usersimulator.ConfusionModel.EMLevenshteinConfusionModel(domainString)¶
Derived class from
.- Parameters
None –
- confuse_hyp(a_u)¶
Randomly confuse the act type, slot or value.
- Parameters
a_u (instance) – of
- Returns
(instance) of
- modified input act
- get_confusion_distributions(word_list, offset=0.15)¶
- Parameters
word_list – The list of words to be confused
offset – Distribution softening factor, the largest the softer the distribution will be
- Returns
- class usersimulator.ConfusionModel.EMRandomConfusionModel(domainString)¶
Derived class from
.- Parameters
None –
- confuse_hyp(a_u)¶
Randomly confuse the act type, slot or value.
- Parameters
a_u (instance) – of
- Returns
(instance) of
- modified input act - error simulation¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017
See also
CUED Imports/Dependencies:
import usersimulator.ConfidenceScorer
import utils.DiaAct
import utils.ContextLogger -¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017
- class usersimulator.NBestGenerator.DSTC2NBestGenerator(confusion_model, error_rate, nbest_size, paramset=None)¶
Tool for generating random semantic errors based on the statistics learned from the DSTC2 corpus
- getNBest(a_u)¶
Returns an N-best list of dialogue acts of length self.nbest_size
- Parameters
a_u (instance) – of
- class usersimulator.NBestGenerator.EMNBestGenerator(confusion_model, error_rate, nbest_size)¶
Tool for generating random semantic errors.
- getNBest(a_u)¶
Returns an N-best list of dialogue acts of length nbest_size. Each entry is a random confusion of the given dialogue act a_u with probability e (errorRate).
- Parameters
a_u (instance) – of
- class usersimulator.NBestGenerator.EMSampledNBestGenerator(confusion_model, error_rate, nbest_size)¶
The Dirichlet collection NBest generator operates by sampling a length for the N-best list and then sampling from a specific Dirichlet for that length.
This is a derived class from base
- Parameters
confusion_model (instance) – of
nbest_size (int) – None
The original C++ implementation did not sample N which is the length of the N-best list.
- getNBest(a_u)¶
- Parameters
a_u (instance) – of
- Returns
(list) of such dialogue act types as input - goal, agenda inventor for sim user¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017
See also
CUED Imports/Dependencies:
import utils.DiaAct
import utils.dact
import usersimulator.UMHdcSim
import ontology.Ontology
import utils.Settings
import utils.ContextLogger
- class usersimulator.UserModel.GoalGenerator(dstring)¶
Master class for defining a goal generator to generate domain specific goals for the simulated user.
This class also defines the interface for new goal generators.
To implement domain-specific behaviour, derive from this class and override init_goals.
- init_goal(otherDomainsConstraints, um_patience)¶
Initialises the goal g with random constraints and requests
- Parameters
otherDomainsConstraints (list) – of constraints from other domains in this dialog which have already had goals generated.
um_patience (int) – the patiance value for this goal
- Returns
(instance) of
- class usersimulator.UserModel.UM(domainString)¶
Simulated user
- Parameters
None –
- init(otherDomainsConstraints)¶
Initialises the simulated user. 1. Initialises the goal G using the goal generator. 2. Populates the agenda A using the goal G. Resets all UM status to their defaults.
- Parameters
otherDomainsConstraints (list) – of domain goals/constraints (slot=val) from other domains in dialog for which goal has already been generated.
- Returns None
- receive(sys_act)¶
This method is called to transmit the machine dialogue act to the user. It updates the goal and the agenda. :param sys_act: System action. :return:
- respond()¶
This method is called after receive() to get the user dialogue act response. The method first increments the turn counter, then pops n items off the agenda to form the response dialogue act. The agenda and goal are updated accordingly.
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
(instance) of
- class usersimulator.UserModel.UMAgenda(dstring)¶
Agenda of
acts corresponding to a goal.- Parameters
domain (str) – domain tag (ie CamRestaurants)
- append_dact_to_front(dact)¶
Adds the given dialogue act to the front of the agenda
- Parameters
(instance) – dact
- Returns
- clear()¶
Erases all acts on the agenda (empties list)
- Returns
- contains(slot, value, negate=False)¶
Check if slot, value pair is in an agenda dialogue act
- Parameters
slot –
value –
negate (bool) – None
- Returns
(bool) slot, value is in an agenda dact?
- filter_acts_slot(slot)¶
Any acts related to the given slot are removed from the agenda. :param slot: slot name :type slot: str :return: None
- filter_constraints(dap)¶
Filters out acts on the agenda that convey the constraints mentioned in the given dialogue act. Calls
to do so.- Parameters
dap –
- Returns
- get_agenda_with_act(act)¶
agenda items with this act :param act: dialogue act :type act: str :return: (list) agenda items
- get_agenda_with_act_slot(act, slot)¶
- Parameters
act (str) – dialogue act
slot (str) – slot name
- Returns
(list) of agenda items
- init(goal)¶
Initialises the agenda by creating DiaActs corresponding to the constraints in the goal G. Uses the default order for the dialogue acts on the agenda: an inform act is created for each constraint. Finally a bye act is added at the bottom of the agenda.
- Parameters
goal –
No requests are added to the agenda.
- replace_acts_slot(slot, replaceact='confirm')¶
- size()¶
Utility func to get size of agenda_items list
- Returns
(int) length
- class usersimulator.UserModel.UMGoal(patience, domainString)¶
Defines a goal within a domain
- Parameters
patience (int) – user patience
- add_const(slot, value, negate=False)¶
- add_prev_used(slot, value)¶
Adds the given slot-value pair to the record of previously used slot-value pairs.
- are_all_requests_filled()¶
- Returns
True if all request slots have a non-empty value.
- get_correct_const_value(slot, negate=False)¶
- Returns
(list of) value of the given slot in user goal constraint.
- get_correct_const_value_list(slot, negate=False)¶
- Returns
(list of) value of the given slot in user goal constraint.
- is_satisfy_all_consts(item)¶
Check if all the given items set[(slot, op, value),..] satisfies all goal constraints (conjunction of constraints).
- is_venue_recommended()¶
Returns True if the request slot ‘name’ is not empty. :return:
- set_copied_constraints(all_conditional_constraints)¶
Creates a list of dacts, where the constraints have come from earlier domains in the dialog.
- Parameters
all_conditional_constraints (dict) – of all previous constraints (over all domains in dialog)
- Returns
None - Handcrafted simulated user behaviour¶
Copyright CUED Dialogue Systems Group 2015 - 2017
See also
CUED Imports/Dependencies:
import usersimulator.UserModel
import utils.DiaAct
import utils.dact
import ontology.Ontology
import utils.Settings
import utils.ContextLogger
Relevant config variables (values are defaults):
usenewgoalscenarios = True
answerreqalways = False
patience = 10
- class usersimulator.UMHdcSim.UMHdcSim(domainString, max_patience=5)¶
Handcrafted behaviour of simulated user
- init(goal, um_patience)¶
- receive(sys_act, goal)¶
- respond(goal)¶
This method is called to get the user response.
- Parameters
goal (instance) – of
- Returns
(instance) of
- usersimulator.UMHdcSim.logger = <utils.ContextLogger.ContextLogger object>¶
rand_decision_probs = {‘InformCombination’: 0.6, ‘AddSlotToReq’: 0.333, ‘NoAfterReqmore’: 0.7, ‘YesAfterReqmore’: 0.25, ‘Greeting’: 0.5, ‘ConstraintRelax’: 0.667, ‘TellAboutChange’: 0.5, ‘ByeOrStartOver’: 0.333, ‘DealWithPending’: 0.5, ‘AddVenueNameToRequest’: 0.05, ‘NoSlotWithDontcare’: 0.8, ‘Repeat’: 0.0, ‘InformToConfirm’: 0.05, ‘CombAffirmWithAgdItem’: 0.05, ‘NullResp’: 0.0, ‘OverruleCorrection’: 0.1, ‘ConfirmRandomConstr’: 0.1, ‘ReqAltsAfterVenRec1’: 0.143, #0.8 ‘ReqAltsAfterVenRec2’: 0.143, ‘NewRequestResp1’: 0.2, ‘NewRequestResp2’: 0.2, ‘CorrectingAct1’: 0.45, ‘CorrectingAct2’: 0.4, ‘ThankAck1’: 0.1, ‘ThankAck2’: 0.1, ‘AffirmCombination’: 1.0}